Saturday, April 18, 2009

Carpenter Bee

This lil guy has been hanging around our hibiscus tree for the past 3 days. More than likely he’s boring holes in it too. I spent hours trying to get a semi-decent picture. It’s too small for auto focus, his flight patterns are too sporadic, and he won’t venture too close to me no matter how still I sit. This mediocre shot had my blue pool cover as a background and I used Picnik for the B&W conversion.


  1. This is incredible! Capturing a bee in flight! How did you do it? Is this real or an April Fool's shot? (posted on the 18th LOL)

  2. It’s real – no April fool’s joke here , nor was Photoshop involved. More than anything it was an exercise in patience. I went for max DOF at f/22 and manually focused at ~12ft. Snap a frame, tweak the focusing ring, snap a frame, tweak the ring etc. etc.
